About Helen Edward

Helen Edward was born in Chessington, Kingston Borough and lived most of her life along the A3 SW London corridor through the constituency. Helen’s mum was a theatre nurse at Kingston Hospital where Helen now volunteers in A&E and is closely supporting the progress of the new government funded ICU.

After an MBA and business career with Mars, the RAC and a logistics plc to sales and marketing director level, her work includes community, charity and education. She is a Trustee at Kingston Charitable Foundation, a Mentor at Kingston University, a Governor at Chessington School, a keen Member of Kingston Chamber of Commerce and an A&E Volunteer at Kingston Hospital. Helen was previously a Trustee at Home-Start Kingston, a Mentor at the Princes Trust and a Dir at City Harvest. Helen is keen to be involved in community events and also prioritises our Korean and Tamil communities. Helen recently ran the Mayor’s Kingston Half Marathon!

Helen is a compassionate conservative and her campaigns include family, young people, diversity, women and employment, older people “Returnerships”, food waste, hunger and obesity, families and children, education, health and mental health, parks and riverside.

Helen has two grown up girls with her husband. Her husband is from Cheam and the family business in local Pubs & Hospitality, included until recently, the Black Horse in Kingston. Helen is keen to support the hospitality sector and high street getting people out enjoying themselves!

When Helen is not out campaigning, she loves running or walking her dogs in Richmond Park with family and friends. Helen has also written two books, The Pond and The Bridge.